Thursday 5 May 2011

Knowing your Onions, Chives and other Allium

I’ve been moving plants about. Mostly chives. Two of my little triangular veg beds have borders of chives. One border of ordinary chives and one of garlic chives. But the beds had the creeping Mare’s Tail problem so in a drastic action was needed. I dug everything out of both of them.

Being a true cottage gardener I can’t let anything at all go to waste, let alone things to eat. Or pretty things. Or just things. So much re-planting, potting up and eating occurred.

You can also buy ornamental onions, when they like to call them alliums but of course all those oniony, chivey, leeky sorts of things are alliums. And they all share a secret flaunted only by the ornamentals. Beautiful flowers. Just let any of the family go to seed and purple, pink or white flowers appear. The leek flowers are stunning, reaching above a meter high. Not only that but you can cut them and they will last years.

Just cut the flower on a long stalk, put them in a vase and forget to put any water in. They should last about a year, or two, or as long as you leave them.

A little neglect goes a long way.

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